Monday, June 18, 2012

week 2

Veins: Walking the Sunset

This piece was born out of the interest to study some of the veins of our human culture.
In early June I walked the Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles and documented the journey by photography, recording and writing.

You can look at two different versions of this experiment, with different speeds. Remember you can also click on the videos to make them fullscreen. Headphones or good stereo system recommended.

Sunset Boulevard starts close to Downtown and continues towards west for 24 miles until it reaches the Pacific Ocean and Pacific Coast Highway. I split the walk into parts to have time for documenting and introspection. During my first day of walking I also ran out of daylight, which makes photographic documentation rather futile. This is why there is an observable jump in the levels of light somewhere 2/3 into the film.

Initially I planned to hang a camera on my neck to take random pictures every minute or so and then constructing an animation from the material. However, I was advised against walking around like a tourist with a fancy camera hanging on my neck, so I decided instead to take quick snapshots while I was walking, roughly an image or two per each block I was passing by.

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