Sunday, September 16, 2012

week 11

The Man and the River - trailer 2

This is an "editor's cut" (a curious paradox eh?) of a trailer.
The film in question, "The Man and the River - A portrait of António Cabrita" was directed by Sebastian Boulter and tells a story of changing landscape, ecology and society through the eyes of the protagonist who has witnessed the destruction of an important river mouth in his home town in Portugal.
The first trailer can be seen here.
Why this version? Just because of my own curiosity towards the material and as an exercise to see what shapes it can take.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

week 10

Reality: Performanssifiesta 2012

This is a documentation of a beautiful performance by Terho Sire and Philip Luddite at the Performanssifiesta festival. The space is the old match factory in Tampere, Finland.
Handheld camcoder camerawork hopefully aligns with the roughness of the surroundings.