Often the best way to find if an idea is really workable or if it could produce anything of interest, is just to try it out. In a way it's like the whole scientific method, formulation and testing of hypotheses: test, test, test and test once again. That is what I intend with my project here, to try any idea that comes along, explore any interesting angle on things and just produce, produce, produce. The good old trial and error.
On a practical level, working on a new project every week, the schedule would typically be 1-2 days developing and researching an idea, 2 days shooting and 2-3 days postproduction. Perhaps maximum of 20 hours per week. This will likely result in very rough pieces of work, but it should be enough to know whether the idea has anything to it or not. Mostly I will be producing these videos simultaneously with whatever other projects I happen to be working with at the time. I imagine I’ll be also collecting materials for different pieces constantly, as interesting things come along.
Another practical level is the technology available, which in our day and age is simply amazing and evolving with great speed. I am more interested here in the idea than the technology, and often things will be produced with very light equipment. The camera and microphone of my phone is already sufficiently advanced technology to be considered magic, and enough for me to produce many pieces. This is not a purpose in itself, to do things low-key, but practical considering my time limitations.
I expect many of the videos to come will be inspired by the environments I happen to be in, as I tend to move around when possible. Many of them might be documentary in nature, atypical or experimental in structure and style. Some might be more about image than sound and some might more about sound than image. They might resemble more video art than short films, whatever that means.
However one will categorize them, all of it is beside the point. Which is in exploring an idea and producing combinations of images and sound as a result of that exploration, and only then thinking how the piece fits into the existing frameworks of cinema and art. It will be a surprise for me as well to see what they are, but surely they will be experiments, exercises, essays and sketches, unfinished attempts - fragments of the way I experience and perceive the world.
A definition of trial and error:
"a method of discovery, solving problems, etc., based on practical experiment and experience rather than on theory"
Collins English Dictionary